Monday, January 21, 2008

Send cake quick!

This weekend has been fairly exhausting. I wish I could say I've done something exciting, but I'm afraid that mostly I was engaged in war on the domestic front. Now before anyone worries, neither Dave or the cats have been hurt in any way although I think a spider may well have met its demise after colliding with a duster. I swear it leaped out at me and menaced me!

Yes, this weekend I decided it was time to start my campaign proper on tidying the house. We started (and this was a joint effort) with the standard household chores such as dusting, vacuuming, laundry, ironing, kitchen and bathroom cleaning. Then, I started - in a very tiny way - to try to chip away at the clutter which the house is drowning in. I didn't get very far, because clearing things out seems to take a long, long time, but I was ruthless and the paper shredder got a lot of use. I now have one clear corner and an empty cupboard, next weekend I move onto its neighbour.

All this cleaning and blitzing the clutter also extended to the loft with Dave producing one black bag of junk so far. We've also set aside several bags worth for a charity shop and a handful of glass and plastic gems which (I hope) are destined for AscendancyLRP's crew treasure box.

This flurry of activity has barely made a dent but I intend to persevere - something I've said before - for my sanity's sake if nothing else. I don't need a spotless house and I like a home to look lived in, but things have got out of hand. Decorating has stalled completely and (to my eyes) the house has a neglected look about it which I'd like to at least make a start on fixing.

The worst moment of the weekend came when I'd finished tidying up after the tidying (how come the act of throwing things away makes so much mess?) and cooked a very nice cabbage, leek and bean soup for our supper. I decided pudding was in order and so rumaged in the freezer only to find there was none, when I was sure I had some left over from Christmas.

I quizzed Dave and he tells me I did pick up cake at the supermarket but put it back!!! That just proves how rough I was feeling prior to and during Christmas itself.

I was so shocked I had to go and cast on a sock to console myself!


RichT said...

Well done, it may only be a cupboard but its a start, I filled 5 or 6 wheely bins, installed 4 shelving units just to clear one room of clutter, but it felt good when done and no regrets about the stuff I chucked, some magazines, old school books and old tapes I had for years.

ps sounds like you both deserved cake.

Tina - omme i London said...

I just found your blog through Ravelry and man oh man, do I recognise the clutter thing or what! About 6 years ago I was moving house and a friend of mine recommended that I read a book called "Clear your clutter with Feng Shui" by Karen Kingston. I read it and got decluttering. I chucked out around 20 removal boxes of STUFF, from an average sized 3/4 bed house before we moved, and another five after the event. My husband thought I'd lost the plot, but rather liked it all the same. Six years on the clutter has started to build up again and I'm getting ready for a serious chuck out. I may just re-read the book again before I do so, to make quite sure everything goes. Do yourself a huge favour and read it. You won't regret it.